On the surface, capable teenage boys may look lazy. But dig a little deeper, writes child psychologist Adam Price in He's Not Lazy, and you'll often find conflicted boys who want to do well in middle and high school but are afraid to fail, and so do not try. This book can help you become an ally with your son, as he discovers greater self-confidence and accepts responsibility for his future.
Why are some teenage boys unmotivated? Why do they spend endless hours playing video games or glued to their phones and social media sites instead of studying? Is this a sign of laziness or something more troubling? As a clinical psychologist, Dr. Adam Price has found that teenage boys are extremely sensitive to the stress of our competitive achievement-oriented culture—one that has created a pressure cooker for today's adolescent.
In He's Not Lazy, Dr. Price, a renowned expert on ADHD and learning disabilities, explains how to help a boy who is not lazy, but rather, is conflicted about trying his best. Dr. Price will guide you to discover hidden obstacles to your son's success, set expectations, and empower him to accept responsibility for his own future. He's Not Lazy will help you become your son's ally, as he discovers greater self-confidence and becomes more self-reliant.
Rather than reacting to pressure by shunning academic responsibilities altogether or propping up fear-based rebellion with justifications like "I am not going to be one of those nerds who have no life," or "Tests don't measure intelligence or help you learn, so what's the point of studying for them?" your teenage son can work with you using the guidance in this book.